Our Bay Brand whole duckling comes fully processed with a giblet pack. USDA Certified All-Natural Pekin Duck. The net weight is at least 6 pounds. Shipped frozen.
Whole Duck: The most succulent Pekin Duck available in America. The Joe Jurgielewicz & Son duck farm is located in the foothills of Blue Mountain in Pennsylvania. Fresh air, cool deep well water, an ideal diet of corn and soybean, and our spacious temperature controlled houses allow our ducklings to roam freely to achieve the number one tasting duckling you can buy today.
There are no drugs or hormones in our grains. Our breed traces back to the Ming Dynasty with no genetic altering and our flocks are raised in a healthy and sustainable environment.
Defrost your duckling in the refrigerator. Warm up oven to 350 Degrees F. (180 Degrees Celcius).
Pull from bag and remove the neck and giblets from body cavity.
Rinse your thawed duck under water.
Cover duck and bake - with breast facing up - on rack in a cooking tray for two hours.
Uncover and bake duck for an additional 30 minutes.
The duck legs will now move easily and drippings run clear when the the baking is completed. Baking time is about thirty minutes per pound (60 mins per kg) or untill the inside temperature hits 180°F (82°C) measured at the thigh joint.